Distilled Water


New Member
I am fairly new to salt water (about 4 months). I have been adding dechlorindated tap water to my tank to replace what has evaporated. I have heard that this is not the best solution. Is distilled water a better option??


Not distilled, but R/O water (water prepared by reverse osmosis). You can buy it at the local grocery store. My grocery store calls it purified water, but it says on the lable that it was prepared by reverse osmosis. Some lfs's also carry R/O water. I know mine does and it's cheaper than the grocery store. You do, however, have to provide your own containers.


i wouldnt use distilled water. it lacks some good stuff that is in RO water. i would look for somewhere that has RO water, my grocery store has it. cost me like $2.50 for 5 gallons. not too bad.