Distilled Water


New Member
I am fairly new to salt water (about 4 months). I have been adding dechlorindated tap water to my tank to replace what has evaporated. I have heard that this is not the best solution. Is distilled water a better option??


Staff member
Distilled water is better, because it is purer. Tab can have all kinds of medals and organic materials, notably phosphates. And, phosphates are food for microalgae--which you want to try to keep from overunning your tank.

mr. j

distilled water is a much better option. Just make sure to check the distilled water you buy, because I had a huge problem with high phosphates in my distilled water.
look for bottled drinking water that says on the package it is processed through reverse osmosis (RO). Much better water, it costs me about 50 cents a gallon


New Member
you can get a 5 gallon jug at farmer jacks the refill for like 1.95, it is a 5 filteration process. with the reverse osmosis. I just went to buy the jug, you are suppose to pay 13.99 for the first time (for the jug) got up to the register and they only charged me the refill price! or you can take your culligan 5 gallon jug and fill it.
better than what I was paying 2.29 for a 2 1/2 gallon jug.


i wouldnt use tap. it wont kill your fish but it will sure feed your algae. i wouldnt use distilled either. as stated above i would use RO water, but i owuldnt buy drinking water, cause thatll get expensive. id look for a grocery store or soemthing, i get mine for $.50 a gallon. good luck.


I use purified water make sure it says r/o. an also if your market has one of those water purification machines, you just have to take the empty gallons and fill then up they are usually 30 cents a gallon.


I use tap water from a municiple water supply but.....I run it through a Brita water filter first. I was tired of lugging water around so I just fill the pitcher and pour it into a gallon water jug. I haven't had any algea problems since I started doing this. I figure if Brita makes it 99.99% pure for me, it should do just as well for my fish.