I don't have the extra money for a RO/DI system right now, and I think that the tap water is causing my nitrates to always be around 20 and now brown algea is starting to grow. Will distilled water work ?
Not a good idea, distilled water is typically obtained by way of copper pipes, so you can introduce copper into your tank that way. Wal-Mart has drinking water (green cap) which will work just fine.
I am certainly relatively new to saltwater tanks but fwiw I set up my fowlr tank aprrox. 8 months ago using store purchased distilled water and have experienced no major problems thus far.
Well thanks for all the great feedback, I will try to find R/O water if not I will try distilled. and let you guys know if it worked out okay or not. Distilled has to be better than tap water.
I read in a magazine there are a few different ways they make distilled water. One of them is with copper tubing . You are taking a chance. I just bought a ro/di unit for $100.