distilled water


New Member
hey everyone,
Ive had my tank over a year now (fowl). just recently I've started getting some hair algae. I usually use Walmart Ro water. Since my nitrates were reading close to zero I thought maybe walmart water had high phosphates ( i change weekly). Since I did'nt have any phosphate test at the time I just started using distilled water (2months now 5gal change per week). I then started getting ahead of my hair algae to almost none. Suddenly It seems that my coraline algae is dying and turning white and not spreading like it did. So I finally tested for ph and its pretty low like 7.8. my fish don't seem to mind but my tank don't look as good visually as it once did. Could this be because of using distilled water??? I bought some soft corals and an LTA and they just don't look as good as they did at the LFS. I bought some purple up thinking I needed more calcium but no good coraline growth. Any Ideas???


Active Member
I think the coraline algae dieing is more from calcium. New bag of salt? Check your calcium levels and make sure they are around 400 or so.


Active Member
And you've already tried purple up, sorry didn't read the entire thread - give us an exact number on your calcium though.


Active Member
Do not buffer to raise your pH. Use a 2 part as a last resort. First try a few things. I would get a second test on your pH from your LFS. Test your pH before your lights go on and right before they go off to determine the swing. It should be lower when the lights are off. Do you have a top/cover? If so take it off or figure a way to increase gas exchange. Do you have surface agitation? Try opening a window and test pH to determine if you have built up CO2 in your home. If you have the means to add chaeto or macro algae do so. Put the light on a reverse photoperiod from your DT or leave it on 24/7. It's possible that there is little photosynthesis happening in your tank now that you have no algae and that your coraline is dying. Finally, make sure you are doing regular water changes to replenish your trace elements involved in stabilizing pH.
If that fails you can look into raising your alk and/or cal. Check both and also magnesium first as all three play a role in pH.


New Member
thanks guys, I'll give some of these suggestions a try. I don't have a calc test but I will get one. I did have a glass top on but after some research I removed it. I aslo agitated the surface more, but that did'nt seem to work. So I thought maybe it was the distilled water.