Distilled water


This may be a stupid question but is buying distilled water for water changes ok I use the aquarium pharm tap water filter for top off instead of well water can i use distilled and will it hurt.


People who have been around here for a while know my opinion of distilled water... let me just sum it up with this.... if you use distilled water, make SURE you test it before dumping it in your tank. Test for ammonia, nitrates, tries, and phosphates. Test each time you buy a new bottle-- sometimes they mess up at the factory and label the bottels wrong. (i.e. tap water being labeld as distilled...)

sal t. nutz

Distilled water is the best water to use. As long as it is distilled with glass equipment, it is the purest water you can find. I don't know how good the equipment that the water bottling companies use is, but I'm sure it is better than your Aquarium Pharm filter. Either way, you should be fine.


My only concern with distilled water has been indirectly mentioned above. Make sure the distillery uses a glass still. Many use copper piping which can be a very bad thing! Personally, I think the $150 investment for an RO unit quickly pays for itself.
Just my .02,
I use distilled water and always have with no problems ever. HOWEVER, I am told that certain brands and some of the "no-name" brands are not actually distilled. I use Distillata which is triple steam distilled. Not sure if you have a chain store where you live called "Marc's" but if you do it is 2 gallons for $0.99. Make sure you pick up the red cap bottles.
Incidentally, I use distilled water for drinking and cooking here which also is purchased from Distillata. A few years ago, I took a bottle to a place and had an independent assay done on it. It came back zero. Totally clear water. Of course this means that minerals are a goner too, so you'll have to supplement your tank. I really dislike tap water even if it is "filtered" and only use it here to water the livestock and the immediate lawn and in my pool.