Disturbing water readings



A few weeks ago I started adding Kent Phytoplex, Kent Strontium Molybdenum, Kent Liquid Calcium & Kent Iodine Supplement to my 38gal reef tank. Since then I've noticed that my water readings have changed. Before they were almost perfect. Now I have noticed a slight rise in my amonia levels(From 0 to .25) and my Nitrate level has shot up too (Somewhere between 80 & 160). I've also lost a flame scalop & a small sally lightfoot crab in the past week, theese I have had for about six months with on problems, though my Anemoes are doing just fine.
I've been folowing the directions on each individual bottle, & I feed my fish(1 Damsel & 1 Black & White Percula) once a day (Marine Flakes) & my coral brine shrimp every three(3) days.
My question: is there something else I need to be adding to the tank or should I be cutting down on one of the solutions I'm adding, and whats the best way to correct the water levels. :confused: :confused: :confused:


New Member
I usually only use 1/2 the manufactures reccomended dosage, they are in the business of selling product, Iodine is particularly easy to overdose and is not that critical for system requirements. Your bio-load is what really determines the needs and quantity of supplimental elements. Full dosage of Phytoplex is OK as a good protein skimmer will remove any organic overload. As for the nitrate spike I don't believe your additives are the cause, will need to know more about your system age and parameters to guess at it.