Ditched my Domino...oh, the guilt


I just took my Domino back to my lfs - he was such a jerk....but..... he stuck with me from the beginning and now I feel terrible. Anyone else ditch their Domino?


Active Member
Yep..I had a Domino years ago that got so big and mean he had to go...he would actually kill other fish...like Mike Tyson...he was sent to the LFS solitary confinement tank. :D


I gave my domino to my friend and he put it in his tank. Domino's are cool fish but they are very nasty as well.

yosemite sam

Active Member
My blue damsel is going back tomorrow. I've tollerated her digging for a while but since I've added a few new corals, she apparently feels her territory is threated. I came home today and found my squamosa clam and fungia actually buried in sand and a mushroom rock knocked over. I feel bad too because she was my first fish, but man, she's really starting to hurt stuff in the tank!


Active Member
I had 4 blue devil damsels, terrors to all new fish---took back to LFS. I dont feel bad cause I kept a chromis (orange and still un named) also since the beginning and will not take it back! It's my baby---but more well manored by all means. If I ever do it again its the shrimp way or with a school of green chromis. But, if I had to take back "baby" I could understand, but those damsels were mean SOB's.