DIY 1,650 Gal Tank HOLDS WATER!!

Nice tank! Now you could be swimming with the fishes if you want to. But you might want to be careful swimming with sharks.
Sarah :)


If I had that tank I would never leave the house and my family would probably stage an intervention...nice work


I'm looking for the name brand of the epoxy you used to make
the tank. I'm trying to research on acrylic to build a sump for my
55gal and some day maybe an 180gal. I found the acrylic at a
place my work deal with and their are so many different type
of epoxy. any info wood be great.


I bought my epoxy from Aquatic Ecosystems. The name of the epoxy is Sweetwater. As the name implies, the epoxy is not only drinking water safe, but also aquarium safe. The beauty of this brand is that it comes in many different colors.


New Member
dood where are the sharks!!! i wanna see u swim with them. Even if u havent got them, get them soon!!!!!!! must see sharks. post up pics when u get. late
Check out
They specialize in sharks. He's pretty particular about who he sells sharks to. Just FYI.
Tell Ken, the owner, Brent sent you and he'll treat you right.