DIY 120gal tank

I'm considering building a 48"x24"x24" tank. It is going to be set in the wall so only the front needs to be glass or acylic. I would make the rest out of plywood. I would then line the inside of the tank with thin acylic or fiberglass form HomeDepot. So I would have all the weight on the wood frame but no water touching it. So my questions are how thick of glass or acylic do I need for the front (24"x48" piece) and what would work better in this setup. Also, is their any reason not to line it with fiberglass (shower wall type) over the plywood? Any advise from someone who's built a tank would help.


All the acrylic tanks i have seen have 1/2 or 3/4 inch for the whole tank. How would you attach the acrylic to wood?
The arcylic in the tank would just lay on the plywood with some glue between and silicone the edges. The water pressure will do the rest of the holding. as for the front I was thinking of doing a 1" lip all the way around it so the opening to the glass or acrcylic front would only be 46"x22". I would use some glue there as well as the silicone . As far as glue I'm not sure what I would use yet but the water pressure should make sure it doesn't move.


I would begin by locating and pricing all the materials You will be shocked at the price of glass that size and I'd bet they will have to special order.
Shop around in used furniture stores for
glass table tops and design around this size.
The wood should be covered with epoxy paint
because it's very difficult to get the acrylic square enough that it doesn't support weight.Requires very careful fitting
in the corners Compare prices of both new and used tanks.and your budget for the DIY
I'll bet you'll be surprised.