DIY 250W Metal Halide for about $100- IT WORKS!!!


Active Member
It works!!!!
I finally put everything together and it works!!!
It's so bright it hurts....!!! :D :D
Here's the parts:
Iwasaki 250W - $60 (This will only work with Iwasaki bulbs)
Advance 250W MV ballast Part No. 71A3802 - $28.66 ( Mercury vapor NOT Metal Halide -trust me on this)
Wiring - 20ft 16/3 wire - $5.74
3 prong all weather plug - $2.91
Mogul Base - $5
Old metal box from garage - Free
Total $102.31
I took pics of the whole thing and will have a website with instructions for those interested by the end of the week.
I am just so excited.
I have a second ballast and was going to do both, but was worried about if it would actually work. I am getting the second bulb this weekend. :) this is so cool.
Anyway here is the setup in a nutshell.
The Iwasaki bulbs are actually Mercury Vapors but can run on a metal halide ballast they are actually reported to be whiter and brighter running on a MV ballast. Advance makes a ballast that you can get for about $26 + tax/shipping at a retailer - email me if you want to know where, they are a electrical supply place but I don't want to post a link as it might somehow be against the rules.
So all you have to do is wire it and bingo - MH lighting for Cheap.
I also have the address from where I got the plans if you can't wait for my detailed instructions. I would type it here but unfortunately it has links to stores :(
Anyway I was so excited I had to share.
[ September 16, 2001: Message edited by: fender ]


I have the addy bookmarked, and was planning to build these. How is the color of the bulbs on the tank? I saw a comparison, and the Iwasaki seemed kind of yellow-green. Why the MV ballast, and not the other? I'm very glad you posted, I was about to post asking if anyone had the Iwasaki bulbs, and if they are adequate.


New Member
I would love to hear how you did it, get that website up and running and let us know all about it. I currently am running a hood with four flourescents in it at 30W each. I hate it, but seeing as how I am curently in college I cannot afford to go out and even purchase a retro kit. But if I could do something for this cheap I would do it in a second.
If nothing else thanks for the info., now that I know it can be done I am going to start looking into it myself.

mr . salty

Active Member
Be carefull people,It is against the "link rule" to ask for or provide links of competitors.Even by email.....What are the k-value of the bulbs???


Active Member
Originally posted by fender:
<STRONG>Iwasaki 250W - $60 (This will only work with Iwasaki bulbs)</STRONG>
$60 for a 250w bulb... I'm assuming this is the 6500k Iwasaki? I'd love to see a couple of pics with that bulb. I just got two 250w ballasts, and I need to get a couple of bulbs for them. The $60 price tag on the 6500k Iwasakis is nice (compared to $100+ for a typicaly 10000k bulb), but I'm wondering about the coloring of the light.


Active Member
Yes they are the 6500k bulbs and I have not mounted them yet above the tank, but my living room had a nice blue tint. :)
The bulb will be mounted tonight and I'll get some pics of my tank with my (4) 40watters (before) and then the 250W (After).
KDLBEM - The MV ballast is much cheaper and as these bulbs are actually MV to begin with, they are brighter running on the MV than the MH from the various sites I used as research for this. While not as blue as say a 10k they are much more intense.
My wife is taking the pics to get developed today. I don't have a digital camera so I got to do things the hard way :(
I am trying to get a site minus the pics up today and will post the link.
Sorry Mr. Salty. I am trying to stay within the rules. BTW I am making that trip to Indiana this weekend. Email me if you still want to meet up. I'll bring some of my tank pics. :D


Active Member
Here's the address for my DIY 250w guide, sans pics.
Let me know what you think.
I have been working on it when my boss isn't looking so it's not very nice yet.
Fenders DIY MH

mr . salty

Active Member
FENDER,Unless the wether really sucks,I will be out on the "big lake" fishing all weekend.We are right in the middle of the salmon run.And I don't get this kind of chance to get payed to fish very often...Between running my own boat,and assisting on other charters,this is a buisy time of the year for me...I'll let you know later this week.....