DIY 75 Gallon Stand


I'm going to be making a 75 gallon stand.
Would 1x3s be okay to use, or should I go with 2x4s?
I have a lot of 1x3s already which is why i ask


I went with 2x4's - some people said that was overkill. I would think 1x3's would be fine. I just like to sleep at night if you know what I mean.


yea, i read some post that said 2x4s were overkill, but i'd rather be safe than sorry.
i think i'll use both on mine


Fire fish, If you want to get a good idea whats over kill and whats not, just go to the lfs and take a look at the stands that they sell. I did that and I was amazed at how such little wood can hold so much weight.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ballyhoo
Fire fish, If you want to get a good idea whats over kill and whats not, just go to the lfs and take a look at the stands that they sell. I did that and I was amazed at how such little wood can hold so much weight.

How true!!! If I get some time tonight I'll take some pictures of a Pine (not sure what kind) stand I bought with my 75 gal show in 1986 or 87. It put's the Butt in Ugly though.


Active Member
Please excuse my stick figure drawings... Not to scale

If the pics make it, I will uploade the last three



Active Member
Last one is of a stand I built for the tank using the same top and bottoms, but 2x4 supports. Ended up putting the rubbermaid on it. Look at the trick part keeping the tank from sliding forward



Active Member
My messurments may be off on the front frame -- The outside top to bottom measurement should calulate to the 22" you see on the sides and back support. The vertical parts should be 18.5 by the hand calculator.


yeah, i went to the lfs today and it looks like they used 1x3s or 1x4s to support the tank, even on the edges. :thinking:


Active Member
PS I called the sides " panels" they are actually part of the support. It is amazing like Ballhoo said about the premade stands "how little wood and so much weight". If your good with wood and keep tight messuements and cuts you might get away with the smaller stock on a DYI, but if not you can always go with the 2X4 approach. Which would be my perfered method


Active Member
I would say that unless you are really good with wood and precise cutting, go with the 2x4's. They are more forgiving with minor differences in length. Not to mention that they are probably cheaper than 1" boards because of their wide use!


Hey firefish!!
check this out
I built this stand from 1x4's and 1x6's. the tank rests on an innerframe of boards, which is sandwiched to another outter frame of boards. i used liquid nails and lots of screws and this baby is rock solid. I also think the 1x boards are MUCH cleaner looking than 2x4's.


Just Remeber Guys...............In this hobby you always want to go with alittle more than what you need.... I would suggest to use 2x4s if it doesn't bother you and if you have room, its always better to over kill than under kill. You can see the way I built my stand in my thread. You don't ever want to be caught doing this



yea, thanks a lot

overkill is definitely better than underkill
instead of doing this:
, i'd rather be doing this
, so i'll go with atleast 2x4s


Active Member
I saw your DIY earlier... I thought it was a first class quality job. I also, thought you were a finish carpenter by trade
Until I looked at your profile.
Fire Fish .. YW - now you know what a cheap store bought looks like


:joy: Thank you ..... Thank you.........Thank you.....I ordered my lights for it so I will be setting up soon.... :joy: