diy add on fuge to sump through auto top-off valve?? opinions??


Ok so I have a 75 tank and a rapids pro sump with built bio balls and built in skimmer. On the one side (skimmer side) there is a predrilled hole that basically has a plug in it. I wonder if it is possible to go out and buy a small 10g acrylic tank or something cheap drill a hole in the side of it level with the one in the sump and run a tube so that I can add a fuge to it. I will post pics of my idea in a couple minutes, if i can figure it out. PLease let me know what you guys think about this. I have no clue if it will work as I really dont want to add a pump to move the water back and forth.


ok here is my primitive drawing. THe only thing I can not figure out is how to have the water in the fuge section higher than what is in the sump....any thoughts????


so i should cut the line from the dt and put in a splitter or something? so half of the flow goes into the sump and half goes into the fuge?? i see the baffle on the right side of the fuge. what is in that small section where the water enters???


Active Member
cut the drain line, put in a ball valve to the side going to the current sump, to divert the flow by closing it. The baffle area is for live rock rubble, the slot between the baffles makes the water flow up at an angkle through you macros.




Active Member
Not if you want it to run through the trickle filter first.
BTW, it would be good to remove the bioballs and replace them with LR rubble.


ok so if i add those pieces where we're talking, how do i regulate the water flow to both sides?? if i open the valve wont the water just keep going down to the sump? and none to the fuge? i am not a plumber and have never done a diy before, so i am trying to learn the basics here too.
maybe if i take the drain pipe down add a
then a ball joint on the left and right of it, send one to the sump and one to the fuge. Obviously i will need to add an elbow at the end of both....
do you think i need a powerhead in the fuge?? i have never set one of those up(fuge)...


Active Member
You can do 2 BV's if you want, but throttling back one should do the job, you dont wanna close iot all the way, adjust it till you like tyhe way the flow is divided.
If your going to have cheato in the fuge, you migfht want a powerhead. Depending on the amount of flow you have going through the fuge.