DIY-Balast Help.


Heading to lfs to purchace a 2x96 watt balast. My question is, are there differences in them or just get any 2x96 watt setup. I saw one that said it had an electric balast are they good. Any help on choosing the right one would be a big help. (What to look for) Thank you........
Billy :D


Active Member
With PC ballasts, I am not sure that there is a whole lot of difference. If they are meant for aquarium use, then they should be good to use. Choose one that has clearly marked wiring and instructions to make things easier on assembly.


Went to lfs and they were sold out, Man that place was busey.. oh well i will try next week.
Thanks again The Grog.
Billy :)

pyro f/x

New Member
Electronic ballast's run cooler and quieter than magnetic ballast's (some magnetic ballast's produce a hum). As far as being used in a aquarium, if it is mounted in the hood the it should be rated for damp/wet location. if you mount it else where then you should only need watertight end caps. Hope that helps.