diy canopy plans,pics, ideas?


ive got a 55gal tank and am lookingto diy a canopy soon. i will am trying to find a wood or particle board with laminate that matches my stand which is just a particle board stand from walmart. just trying to see some designs before i decide on how im building it. its for vho's so the lights should be about 6 inchs off water right? and do i need any spacers behind the reflector and the top of the canopy?


Here is a pic of the one I built for my 55 ... not the greatest, but easy and effective. I used 4 VHO's that sit about 8" off the water. I also used 2 fans to keep heat down. HTH


im thinking of something similar to that cant decide if i wanna hinge the top, hinge the top and have a front door of some sort for feeding, or just have the top sitting on top and a door in front for feeding


not at all ... stays on there nice and good. The reason I hinged the top and not the front is I wanted to be able to get in the tank and work, without having to remove the canopy. I can take out and add rock and it's not a big hassle. Just a thought ... good luck with your project!