Diy Chiller???


Active Member
i will need to research more...
i will keep you posted,
has anyone tried this?


Active Member
Ok I see what you are saying. Maybe I will look for a commercial unit, or buid one out of a window unit. Is that possible? Me and my dad where just descussing it. Do you run a chiller?


Active Member
LOL that's funny (sarcastic). Nah j/k that's the only way to go.
After reading and thinking about it, it would be a big joke...:D


Active Member
I've heard em all...remember the guy who rigged up an ice chest, filled it with tubing and ice:rolleyes: All these ideas sound good but their not particle


I needed (wanted) a 3 degree temp reduction in my tank and used a small cheapie refrigerator to accomplish the mission. I bought a small one from Home Depot for 50 bucks and 250 ft of 1/2" hard poly tubing with appropriate fittings. I use a Maxi-Jet 400 (106 gph) power head to push water through the unit and got a 5 degree cooling for my system, a 46 Bowfront with a 30 gal sump. I drilled the back of the refer and brought the supply and return in and using 3 tees and one coupling split the 'cooling coils' into 4 50' coils then back into a common return using another 3 tees and a coupling. This slowed the flow trhough the coils to aid in thermal transfer. I cut a 5 gallon plastic oasis water jug to fit into the refer and put the coils inside it. I keep the jug filled with fresh water to add some thermal mass and cranked the refer to max cool. When the water in the jug was cold, I started the saltwater flow through the unit. At 24 hrs, my system was at 79 down from 82, at 48 hrs the temp settled at 77 and has stayed there ever since. The refer runs about 40% of the time and the whole system cost $94 not including the power head. Beats the heck out of a $600 chiller. I have since covered the water in the 5 gallon jug with spray foam to keep from having to defrost the refer and haven't added water to the thing in 6 months.


Active Member
Wow sounds like it worked good for you. Do you think it would be efficient for a 110g tank with a 30g fuge? Seems like that would be hard to do. Welcome to the board by the way. Do you have any pics of it?


Active Member
Allthough i've never used this myself.. nor do i know if it will work or not.. and this would be in case your tank gets real hot .. you take one possibly 2 of those styrofoam coolers you drill a hole in the sides and you run hoses in it alot so you have the water in there for longer. you attach that hose to a pump that's in your sump, dedicated to the cooler. then witht he other side of the cooler that has another hole you use as an exit.
After that's done you fill the cooler up with ice.


I doubt you would get much cooling on a 130 gallons...lots more water, more surface area and more light (heat). I don't know what your chiller draws but this little fridge only draws 178 watts and at night it probably only runs 10% of the time. Efficiency is a moot point since thermal conductivity is probably negligible. As long as the cooling is going into the saltwater you are cooling and not into the room (or the beer), watts are watts. Obviously there is a difference in the efficiency of different types of cooling systems, but small freon based systems are about the same, whether they are in a small fridge or a chiller.