DIY Coil Denitrator ?


Active Member
What the lastest take on these things? Worth it? I have some extra 6" tubing and was wondering if it would be worth building one?


Active Member
Well, if you are asking how I would make it, then...
6"OD acrylic with a top/base, 30" tall. Tap into my skimmer return with a small gate valve (regulate flow) which slowly allows water in through the 3/8 OD tubing coiled up in chamber and forced up back into fug./sump.
How does that sound? Worth the effort? Will it have some impact on my nitrates?


Active Member
From what I've read, it a place for anaerobic bacteria to flourish, the very ones that feed on nitrate, not O-2. In other words it simulates a DSB. Possibly similar to a canister filter, but with much lower flow rate and oxygen free. But my post was to identify the pros and cons form those who have used them and measure the value in making one. Any help would be aprreciated.
I built one. it cost me around $25 bucks total. It takes some time to cycle itself, and it gets clogged up occasionally.
I tested the before and after water a while ago, and couldn't tell much difference. It was more of a pain to unhook it than leave it, and I figured it wasn't doing any harm.
My nitrates are lower now than they have ever been, but as I have not tested the befor/after water in quite some time, I cannot attribute this to the denitrator.
I'll test it this weekend and post the results (you got me wondering)
At any rate, I did have fun building it and no harm was done eeven if it does'nt work at all.
I have heard great things ("never do a water change again!") but can't confirm it for myself.


Active Member
I don't know about the "no water change", you need that to replenish trace elements, but maybe help with the frequency of water changes. What size tubing did you use? If you used 1/4"OD tubing that might be your problem with clogging. I plan on using 3/8"OD and hopefully I won't have such issues.
I am aware that "no water changes" is a fallacy. Excess nitrates is not the only enemy. Stronium,calcium, magnesium, and probably nicotine might be depleted.
However; less water changes, I do find appealing.
Healthy water is all of our objective. I also belive that we are also aware that ther is no "Majic pill" that lets our tank flourish without any hands-on, unless it is a monthy check to the local LFS.
If there is some "new" device that lightens the load (or claims to do so), then my attitude is "lets try it". Just do it carefully...Use common sense.
Just monitor the "cause and effect" of the new "miracle cure" may not be "as advertised!"


New Member
I have no experience on the subject but using your skimmer return is not a good idea... Denitrators work based on anaerobic bacteria and pumping oxygen rich water into it makes it less efficient... the reason for the coils is so that the water becomes deoxygenated by the time it gets to the bottom of the coil...
You also need to watch out for pH drops as anaerobic bacteria will release acid as byproduct
just my 2 cents..