DIY Electrical GFCI powerstrip


I am looking to rig up a GFCI powerstrip to satisfy my aquarium electrical needs and space considerations.
I would just install the outlets but I live in an apartment thus I am looking to install the outlets to an extention cable.
My questions is if I install the outlets in a four outlet box, (functionally I already did this), would it be a waste to have four GFCI outlets. Is there a benefit of doing this rather than just having the first outlet a GFCI and the subsequent outlets being standard 3 pronge outlets. Wouldnt the first GFCI functionally make the subsequent standard outlets GFCI as well??
Not an electrical expert, just thinking out loud.


If you install a GFCI outlet every outlet attached after it is GFCI protected. For a test install a GFCI and then your 3 regular outlets. Leave the ground off the last outlet and see if you get any power in any of them.


New Member
Based on the GFCI, this will work. You have to check the wiring instructions with the unit and wire it as if it were in the middle of a line. This wil give you unlimited # of outlets as long as you stay within the power rating of the unit.
The GFCI needs to have provisions for this requirement. The cheap units do not, because it adds cost to the unit. Check the instructions and you will be fine.
One additional thing you should install a grounding rod in the tank or sump. This tied to the GFCI will prevent shock from 2 prong devices that can shock you (heaters, pumps, etc). This will cause the GFCI to trip if there is any issue with these devices instead of your hand entering the tank.
Hope this answers your question.:D


Hook up hot wires to line side black to black and white to white.They cost about $ 10.00 . You can then take a black and white wire from the load side and hook up to regular receptacles that cost about a dollar. Hook all the ground wires together and put on ground terminals on ALL the receptacles including the gfci outlet. ( PAGE 4 )