DIY fluidized bed filter


What do you think guys?
Im in the process right now of designing a large fluidized bed filter. I am going to make it out of 4in pvc pipe with endcaps on each end. I will have to cement the inlet and outlet pipes into the ends most likely. Im thinking somewhere around 48in tall but i am not sure yet maybe taller. I want to be able to put at least 20 lbs of sand at a flow rate of atleast 500gph. Any recomendations for pump or height? And what type of sand?
Here are the plans.


Newbie alert.......
what is the purpose of a fluidized bed filter? (other than to obviously filter :) )


o woops
sorry. i deleted the posts. A fluidized bed filter is a biological filter that pumps water through sand which has tons of bacteria living on the sand grains. They have the highest surface area of most filters.


Active Member
The only thing is that if you can't see into it then how do you know the sand is getting stirred up with the water?????


I was thinking about having acrylic end cap but it really isnt necesary. The sand will get stirred up inevetably as long as theres water being passed through it. I just have to make sure that the sand doesnt get to high in the column.


I've been researching this stuff for about a week and don't own a tank so take this with a grain of salt. Although I understand the concept behind this contraption I still wonder.... wouldn't that be like a mechanical sand storm machine?:confused:


Yes, I was referring to myself. Sorry if it appeared that I was referring to someone else.
So, the fluidized filter is basically a supercharged bio-filter?


sord of. does the diagram help? the bacteria attaches to the sand and the water is passed through the sand and wallah, clean water.