Diy Live Sand!


Im wanting to get rid of my CC bedding in my 55gallon tank, and go with LS. I got to wondering one day if it was possible to just make my own argonite LS by just curing it like I would with LR. If anyone has any great techniques and has done this before i would greatly appreciate their help in turning this "daydream project" into action.:rolleyes:


Active Member
u can just cure the dead sand in the same tank as the uncired LR.. the lr will turn the sand into live sand.... that was what i did....afther saving up some $$ for the Lr... or u can even go get a cup of sand from a pre-established tank and dump it in the tank with the dead sand.. it will ttake a lil while but eventually it all will become LS


Active Member
well it's recamended to buy argonite sand... like caribean argonite sand from home d ... it's about $5 a bag... so there wont be any crazy stuff in there.. just sand.. then u add that to your tank then add your uncured LR or your cup of pre-established sand.. but even better if u add both..... dat about perdy much it.. u just let it sit.. and let it do it's thing..


I heard that it can't be found at h/d anymore... am i asking for the wrong thing at my h/d?? i ask for tropical sand and they don't have any


Originally Posted by shiby1510
I heard that it can't be found at h/d anymore... am i asking for the wrong thing at my h/d?? i ask for tropical sand and they don't have any

I would like to find some of this too. I will check my HD tonight or tomorrow. Couldnt they just order some?


If I have 40# LS and 15#LR in my FOWLR tank could I add a bag of this sand from H/D without removing the fish?


Active Member
im not shure myself but i heard ppls say they found some argonite play sand at wall-m or target... but it's under a dif name.. so it will he a lil tricky to find.. u just might have to go reading every bag u see... if u wanna make shure it's argonite sand.. bring some vinegar w/u.. when u find a bag that u think is argonite.. pour a lil vinegar on it.. if the sand fillzes then it's argonite.. good luck and happy hunting..


New Member
i just tried vineger on the garden basics and there was no fizzing. bummer.
hi techrider62,
do you have any info on the manufacturer on that bag?


New Member
What happens if you were to use just regular play sand from Home D? The kind that does no fizz? Would it still become live?


Active Member
u mean like silica sand?? well yea it would become 'live ' sand too but silica sand is not the best thing for a fish tank... u can see why if u read the live sand testing BANG GUY did in the lagoon trend....