DIY Metal Halide???


I want to make my own MH Lights. Anyone have a good DIY guide. I think that i can prob do it without a guide. The only thing that I am not sure of is BRANDS. I am thinking 3 lights for my tank and then i will run my Coralife Compacts also. Any help with which supplies to buy would be great.


Active Member
you're going to need reflectors, bulbs, and ballasts. reef optix, and luminarc reflectors are good, and im sure they come in both single and double ended models. you're going to need a ballast that matches the wattage of your bulb as well; icecap and PFO ballasts are pretty popular. if you gave us some specs of the tank (dimensions and what you plan on keeping) we can determine what wattage you need.


Active Member
Do a search for PFO,IceCap,Sunlight Supply,JBJ, BlueWave. These are brands that I know of that deal in MH retrofit kits. Like said, you need ballasts, sockets, reflectors, and bulbs.


Active Member
Do you want to DIY this or "really-DIY" this? In other words, do you want to buy a retro kit that basically just plugs together and mounts in the canopy, or do you want to buy all the components separately (ballast core&coil, mogul socket, wires, terminal strips, etc) and completley engineer it yourself?


No. I am going to build it. Well i will buy all teh parts and put it together. Not a retro kit. I will buy reflectors, bulbs, ballst, wire it. and maybe even build a rack to hold them all. I am looking to get a canopy to hide them.
I have a 180 bow front.
Also. Do you use the glass covers on teh tank and have the light shine through it. or do the lights go directly over the water?


Active Member
I think what SCSI is asking is if you intend to buy the ballast or buy the components and assemble the ballast yourself? If you plan on building the ballast yourself, I have the componenets for both 250 and 400 watts MH ballasts. It includes the transformer, the capacitor and the mogul socket. You will need to install the capacitor and transformer into a metal box of some kind. The 400 watts cost 40 and the 250 cost 25 plus shipping.


My fault i misread it. I can do it either way. It dosent matter. I am looking to make it the most cost effective. I am not being cheap i will buy good components, but any money saved on the lights can go for occupants for my tank which you will see much more!!!!