DIY Metal Halides



I am in the process of putting together a 40 BR Reef Tank. I plan to have a diverse assortment of corals, some being light intensive corals and clams.
I decided I am going the DIY route for metail halides, which will be retrofitted in the hood with fans built into the hood also.
I've been reading the DE Metal Halides are the way to go.
2 questions:
1: Do you think I should go this route? What wattage should I strive for (Lets say to have pretty much whatever SPS or clam i want)?
2: Can this be done similarily to other DIY Metal Halide Applications?


Active Member
DE MH seem to have many benefits over mogul-based MH; one of them being the small size of the bulb which allows more light to be reflected around the bulb and back into the tank.
DE pendants are really efficient in this area, so much that a 150W DE bulb mounted in a pendant (PFO or Reef Optix III are good) puts out light equivalent to a 250W mogul-based bulb and a 250W DE in a pendant is almost as good as a 400W mogul.
Going DIY without a pendant would be tough, because these bulbs need to be used a little differently than mogul bulbs to let them run at their optimal level. The socket would be difficult to mount, a decent reflector would be hard to find, and the tank would need to be protected by a UV shield (which comes with the pendants).


If you go DIY HQI I would suggest you check out Aquatico's enclosures. They're around $30 for one big enough for one HQI. They are made from a sandwiched material that has no heat transfer. I just built a 150w HQI for my 10 with one of these bare enclosures and am very impressed with the workmanship (theirs, not mine).


So DE can only be done with pendants (those are hanging correct)
I was under the impression they could be retrofitted in a hood.
Is HQI the same as DE?


Since I can't really DIY on the DE's.
What would be a good wattage etc to plan on with my tank inhabitants?
2 X250? 1*250? 400?


DE or double ended are, at least in this context, the same as HQI. The HQI's just need to be behind glass. Anyway you do this works. I use pre-fab enclosures and then mount them inside the canopy.


I was thinking of doing a standard single ended metal halide fixture. What would one suggest, reading my post just before this.


I think the basic (very basic) rule of thumb is a 2" cube. I'm not familiar with the dimensions of your tank. If you're thinking clams or acros, go with a couple of bulbs. 250's should work unless it's a deep tank.


Definately go with 250's. 400's put out a lot of heat... Wait, what's the depth of your tank?? If it's 20" or more, and you want your clams on the bottum...then I am sticking with 250's. I currently have 250 mogul base, and at my next bulb change I plan on changing out to a DE. If you get an Ice cap ballast (not sure about the others) you can use DE or mogul sockets. Just not XM brand bulbs.
EDIT** Got beat to the punch...LOL


Active Member
I got 2x175 watt metal halides on my 46g. bow and I got an acro and a monti frags from my friend and they are only like 5 inches from the bottom and doing very well after 4 days which isn't anything too braga about but there not bleaching.


Active Member
Completely off the topic but i would try for a 50 breeder tank. You can have one ordered from any allglass carrier and it will give you 10 more gallons in the height aspect as opposed to the length or width with any other tank. I just got one myself :)
As for the type of halide bulb. I personally found a nice 175 on ---- but i would try for a 250 or 400. The first if you don't want SPS corals.


I would like to have SPS corals and clams. So a 2 250 watt bulbs would be good for them?


My tank is 24" deep, I had 2 175w with 2 vho's (actinic) and my clam was on the substrate and he got all splotchy in color.I put him at the highest point in the tank and he didn't get any worse but he didn't get any better either. I upgraded to 250's and now he's happy as a...well...clam. All of his color is back to normal. My lights are 10" off the surface also.