DIY-MH Ballast (I need one cheap)HELP!


I want to do a MH Ballast, I(am useing pc`s now
). I was wandering if anyone knows where to buy a Ballast CHEAP..... 250, or 400 watt. Electric prefered but will go magnetic. Please help. Thanks Billy.:)


Active Member
home depot has just about everything you need to make your own mh.I was going to go that rout but after asking a few ppl about them they all had the same response they look great but youll def notice it in your electric bill.if any one has any other oppinion of them billing wise .im all ears ok eyes at least


My Home Depot said they had nothing like that. (MH Ballast) The guy there told me to goto a electric store. Just wandering if anyone has gotten one from Home Depot? Electric bill, huh.......................that might suck.:D


Active Member
sorry i misread that first message i didnt see the ballest part but i think it depends on the state also for home depot .i have been looking on ---- for a lot of tank stoff and came across alot of mh ballest and other items.we have a local pet ster we purchase basicly food items and odds and ends I have alot of pets so we get to know or pet stores very well and the owners.In fact we just discussed this with the owner today and decided to use vho becus of the cost he has 1tank with mh in the entire store the rest are vho salt and fresh.the first month he had the mh in his shop his bill went up another 50 bucks just from on tank.when a pet store that sells this lighting and could make money from that kind of sale tells you the downside i tend to take notes. but if yuor dead set on them try doing a serch on mh lighting i have found numerous sites for lighting equipment.trying to compare pricing and very new at this lighting thing.I suggest multipul searches I compaired brand shown on ---- and typed in the search and found better pricing for some from online stores.just a helpful suggestion for ya .good luck


Active Member
check the auction site. Usually hard to beat prices there. dont forget id ur going mag u will also need various other components. As far as the power difference it depends if your just adding the lights or replacing, it also depends on how much your adding. 500 watts is 500 watts to the power company.


Thanks for all info.
QUOTE]dont forget id ur going mag u will also need various other components.
MSD, What other parts are you refering to?
Thanks guys. Billy:)
SEarch on this site for MH balast.
I have a 71a3802 I think it is Advance brand, and I bought it at my local Graybar dealer for around $40. it powers a single MH 250 watt...XM or Iwasaki only (from what I understand.) I am told that this is a Mercury Vapor ballast, so it may not power a Ushio or other bulb.


Look up your local electric supply store in the phone book. This is what I did. Call around and you should find a ballast and mogul base for around $40.00, this is all you will need. Go on ---- and you should find a plethora of various MH bulbs for reef tanks. I went with the 14k 250w coralvue for around $55.00 and I'm on my second bulb one year later and all is working great. It takes a little inginuity to mount it but it's well worth it.


:joy: did the same went to a local elec. supply got balast and 250 r watt for 90.00 cit did take a little time to wire the diagram the sent with it didnt work i switched one wire and walla good luck