DIY Prizm Mod


While at work today I figured I would work on a prizm skimmer thought I would share the results... Where the venturi hose comes up and attaches to the cup I put a air adjustment valve and then hooked it up to a pump.Next drilled 2 holes on either side of the cup lid. I figured that the skimmer was getting an air lock before, the reason for the air pump. After about 10 minutes of adjusting the water flow and air pump to prevent bubbles in the tank and waiting about 2 hours the skimmer was producing nice dry foam. Could work for you guys who don't like your prizm.

cap'n pete

Could explain your rational a little on this. Doesn't a Prizm have a small hole in the lid already? I am very interested in your idea, I'm just a little confused on why that would work.


I thought so too but there are two places to hook up the air ine 1and 2 and only one of them are open after reading up on them I gathered that the venturi line was to be hooked to 2 to get it started and to 1 to run well after sucking all the air out of the cup jst stoped working (the air lock) so I drilled the tuo holes in the lid and ran the air pump via a adjustment valve to the venturi hose. I will get some pics tomorrow for you. I could never be a writer hard to paint a picture with words:)


I modified my prizm also. All I did was I cut the venturi air line, and installed a simple valve to adjust the air flow better. I was very impressed with the way that it worked, but I must say that I have never had a problem with the prizm even before the modification. I just thought I would experiment, and it turnmed out a definate plus.


Active Member
? on your mods. I understand making the mod so you can adjust the air flow more precisely. Do you then run the pump wide open? You know the black plastic knob which ostensibly you use to adjust flow.:confused:


The contact time is increased by closeing the water flow and the air pump increases the air going into the chamber.