DIY Refugium


Could anyone suggest an easy method for installing my own refugium under one of my 55g tanks, see I've always had my good friend to do all the plumbing on my tanks and no matter how hard I try I just can't seem to get it right! It's gonna be a 29 gal refugium on the bottom rack of the standard 55g iron stand! I'm willing to spend what ever so tell me what I need and I'll get it, and some help on how to set it up would be appreciated.


Do you already have a sump? If not, I'd consider building one (out of a 30g long tank) with a separate refugium section on it....look at my pic below. You'll need an overflow box to get the water from the tank to the sump/refugium....or did you already know that?!
Email me and I'll give ya some ideas too!