I am planning on building a 620 gallon plywood refugium. If they have it I am planning on using 1'' Plywood. What should I use in the way for supports so it doesnt bow and break. Also how should I do it. Thanks
Are you going to put a liner in, spray fiberglass, or Epoxy the wood? With Epoxy you'll ned a LOT more reinforcement, with Fiberglass you won't need any support at all.
What are your proposed dimentions?
You might want to look at a farm and ranch place the one near me has 1000gal plastic stock tanks they are round and two + feet deep and about 9' around The poly used in these tanks is FDA food grade
The deminsions I would like to have are 14'longx3' tallx 2.5'wide. What do you mean spray fiberglass. I was just thinking I would build the box for the fefugium and then get sheets of plexiglass and screw it in there and use a lot of aquarium silicone and caulk all the screws angles and sides.
I believe Novice150 built a very beefy tank. I'd suggest going there. Mine is shallow. I didn't dare go over 2'.
Your current plan isn't going to work I don't think. Silicon doesn't stick to plexiglass very well. You'd be much better off using Epoxy or a pond liner.
So pretty much epoxy is just something you paint onto the wood? Epoxy sounds good. Do you have to buy it aquarium grade or something? Will that epoxy actually hold all the pressure from the 780 some gallons? THanks for all your help!
You really should search the web for some good plans. 3' of water will be very dangerous if it ever blows out. Don't underestimate the pressure, it's VERY dangerous.
I actually cant draw it so I will explain it in great detale.
1. I will take 4 sheets of the right cut plywood atleast an Inch thick.
2. I will form it into a box by using screws.
3.I will get 2x4s and put one on the top and one on the bottom.
4. I will link the top two by four with two by fours going verticlely.
5. Then I will link the 16 verticle 2x4s with some more 2x4s.After I have done that on all the sides i drill a 1 inch hole in every other box for a pvc pipe.
6. I will take a pvc pipe and run it through the hole to the other hole on the other side of the tank.
7. THen I will cap it .
8. After I put the cap on I will drill through the cap and put a screw in ps the pvc pipe wont have water in it it will be used for kepping the tank from bowing.
Pretty much i am just making a grid of two by fours and attaching it to the plywood. I will waterproof all the wood before I start the project. I think that plan should hold all the pressure. Thanks for all your help!
i made a plywood and glass tank http://groups.msn.com/JimsCichlids/p...ankphotos.msnw
but it was only 24" deep if i were you i would get a few of the rubbermaid stock tubs and just link them you could make a stair step stand for them so they flowed in to each other by drilling and putting in bulkheads
Product Size 58 x 39 x 25 in., 147.3 x 99.1 x 63.5 cm., 150 U.S. gal / 567.8 L BBenefits: Heavy-duty reinforced ribbing in tank base for added strength. Maximum water pressure rating 90 psi Structural foam construction. Threaded 1.5" drain