DIY Skimmer design


I'm attaching a picture of my DIY skimmer.
Just wondering if anyone else has made one from a water bottle.
I want to know if there's a smarter way to do the plumbing
It works great and makes tons of foam waste, but I think it could be done better.


Exactly, all told, it cost less than 20$
The PVC fittings etc were most expensive.
I mainly went with the watter bottle cuz it's huge (5gal volume) compared to other skimmers for sale.
the upper part of the bottle is perfectly shaped for the bubbles to foam up.
It is really ugly (Thats a GLAD disposeable container as the collection cup!) but I am still amazed at it's production.
It is hooked to a 500gph pump I was using as a main pump for another 55gal tank. It could probably handle a bigger pump.
It makes like half a mason jar of dark junk a day with really firm foam.
I might try building another one out of another 5gal bottle but need to rethink the plumbing/flow controll.
I have to position the output tubes at different heights in the sump to controll how high the water level is in the bottle.


Again this is my first try at this.
not sure how helpfull i'll really be;)
I wanted to see if anyone else had made one so I could steal some ideas.
The pump is located in my sump then hooks to a plastic fitting that has an input for a smaller air hose so I believe it's a 'venturi' style skimmer
Once it leaves the bubble producing fitting, it enters the bottle about 4 or 5 inches from the bottom.
The input pipe enters at an angle so the watter will rotate inside.
The output pipes I placed as low as possible to avoid bubbles leaving. I used 'union' PVC fittings to make attaching the hoses easy.
I used a 2 part marine epoxy to seal all the holes in the bottle.
I wanted to make it so when the pump is turned off, the bottle wouldn't drain, and also to make the watter level in the bottle constant but that's where my plumbing skills need some help.
You should really try making one.
I suppose the hardest part to get would be the venturi fitting
(mine came with the sump I bought a while back).
Otherwise it's pretty straight foreward.
Let me know if you have other questions.