DIY Skimmer


New Member
I have a aquaclear 150 wet/dry with skimmer, and like everyone else says, yes it sucks, i get no dry foam, only wet nasty stuff if I am lucky, and just its loud and a pain. I was wondering if i could take the basic parts from it and creat a better skimmer, such as a venturi type or counter-current. Which of these two is a better design and would be better to do. Also does anyone have any plans or ideas of how to make something like this, I guess all i need is a diagram of a venturi style skimmer, ( i am pretty sure these are the best kinds,) and maybe I can do it from there what do u think?:silly:


New Member
I guess I am just wondering what people think are better, the counter current or the venturi, which one should I try and make. Oh well just wait for more responses.


the link i have the guy wrote alittle article on the advantages and disadvantages of each type and why he choose counter current for his diy