DIY sump/fuge 30gal


Active Member
Ok, well the pic is terrible.
75gal display
30gal sump
ASM mini-g skimmer
Mag 9.5

Is there anything i should change?
inbetween the sump and fuge are two baffles, with 3inch and one inch space. the 3inch space is for carbon, or whatever....sitting on egg crate. Is this an ok location or should it be inbetween fuge and return.


Originally Posted by larryndana
Ok, well the pic is terrible.
75gal display
30gal sump
ASM mini-g skimmer
Mag 9.5

Is there anything i should change?
inbetween the sump and fuge are two baffles, with 3inch and one inch space. the 3inch space is for carbon, or whatever....sitting on egg crate. Is this an ok location or should it be inbetween fuge and return.
I'd say between fuge and return. :)


Active Member
thats what i was thinking at first, but didn't put it there cause i figured putting carbon or whatever else after the sump would cut down on some of the bubbles going to the fuge.
why do you say between fuge and return? any other suggestions?


Originally Posted by larryndana
thats what i was thinking at first, but didn't put it there cause i figured putting carbon or whatever else after the sump would cut down on some of the bubbles going to the fuge.
why do you say between fuge and return? any other suggestions?
well an option to cut down on bubbles between there you could use a type of filter floss.
but my reason for after is because your fuge should swallow a great deal, if not all of the nitrates going in, and I would feed that before any carbon or anything like that. And use that as my last line of defense yanno? If the fuge allows some to get by then your carbon will snatch it up afterwards. But my design which i'll attach has the fuge seperated to one side so it gets unfiltered, unskimmed water so that it can gather all the nutrients possible before any get filtered. :)
Hope that helps and i'm glad to discuss this further with you.


Active Member
well nothing is set in stone now. i have looked at doing it the way you have yours.
the only reason i am doing it like my when the water drains to the sump it will fill that section with debris and waste. maybe i'm wrong.
what are the differences?


Originally Posted by larryndana
well nothing is set in stone now. i have looked at doing it the way you have yours.
the only reason i am doing it like my when the water drains to the sump it will fill that section with debris and waste. maybe i'm wrong.
what are the differences?
that is very possible and quite likely, although i'm planning on keeping detrivores in there as well. each ways have been proven to work, it's pretty much a matter of preference. :) Either way, your system will most definitely benefit from having a fuge.


Active Member
i read that somewhere, don't remember where.
Well, i'm not decided yet.
If i go with one like yours, i will have more room in case of a power failure. I'm looking at at least 6gallons with how its set up now.


I recently set up a 30 gal sump/fuge on a 75 gal tank. I went with a center return like the diagram Anubisxero posted. I just split the return coming from the overflow to go into both the refugium and the skimmer chambers. These two chambers both drain into my return pump chamber. I am running a mag 9.5 for a return pump as well. Just what I did.


Active Member
thanks, both ways seem to work well.
anyone have any questions about the design.
each baffle is 12inches high. the tank is a 30, 36L 12W 16D.
are the baffles to high?
also, should they be one or two inches from the bottom to allow the flow under them?


I left two inches for flow under my baffles. I think one probably would have been plenty, but I decided to leave two. Have not noticed any problems with bubbles making it through the baffles so I don't think it hurt to leave 2". HTH