DIY sump questions



Here's what I ended up with, for the time being. I decided to keep the refugium in the sump and turn my extra 10G into a QT tank, for the time being. Currently I don't have a QT and cringe everytime I add something. A friend was over here telling me how I don't have enough drop to get a good gravity feed going no matter what I try to build, so he talked me into just running 2 pumps and praying that nothing happens. Ended up spending about $100 on this and that includes the price of the 2 pumps.


Thanks! On a side note, there's always someone around the house and everyone keeps an eye on the tank levels, in hopes of preventing a flood. Or having the off chance that something clogs a line, pumps stops working, ect..


Well-Known Member
... If the pump in the tank dies, it will start a siphon. Make sure you have enough room in the sump for the extra water from your display to drain in to.


Well-Known Member
Well let us know how things turn out, please.
I'll keep my fingers cross in hopes that the power don't go out and then one pump gets stuck when trying to come back on.


Well-Known Member
Please please tell my you're not using one pump to pump water from display to sump and another to pump it back.
No way that will work longer then a week or usualy hours or minutes.
Look build one of the beaslbob traps, pvc overflows and put both pumps in the sump. Whatever they pump will be returned from the display keeping things balanced and the floor dry.
my .02


I don't think the amount of drop has anything to do with your overflow?
the basic ones like mine drop into a box first and then go down the tube. so really all the siphon tube is doing is going from the inside of the DT glass to the outside and into this box. from there there is no more siphon. So I don't see how the amount of drop would matter.
As others have mentioned the two pump thing is a disaster waiting to happen.


Last night almost had a disaster happen, luckily I pay attention to how much water everything can hold. My sump slowly drained in my DT over night (first time it's happened.) Now I'm looking into overflow boxes. I chatted with one of my renters and he'll flip the bill, towards his bill, and pick me one up. I didn't realize I'd have money again soon!
one question: I'm running just under 600 GPH after hosing and everything, so should I get a 600GHP overflow, or drop down to a 300GPH?
I'm tired of playing with acrylic, my hands are finally healed from that fun.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Noobzilla http:///t/393002/diy-sump-questions/20#post_3498279
Last night almost had a disaster happen, luckily I pay attention to how much water everything can hold. My sump slowly drained in my DT over night (first time it's happened.) Now I'm looking into overflow boxes. I chatted with one of my renters and he'll flip the bill, towards his bill, and pick me one up. I didn't realize I'd have money again soon!
one question: I'm running just under 600 GPH after hosing and everything, so should I get a 600GHP overflow, or drop down to a 300GPH?
I'm tired of playing with acrylic, my hands are finally healed from that fun.
Then use PVC. LOL
The overflow ratings are the maximum based upon drain diameter and so on. They are good for any flow less than that rating. So if you pump 300gph and 600gph overflow is fine. If just drains at whatever rate is being returned to the display up to the maximum rating.
Again take a look here:
Really easy to build and very inexpensive.
my .02


I actually made one of those PVC ones, however it won't fit with my lights, unless I have it hanging off the front, and even then it looks like hell. lol


Went to the fish store and picked up a Eshopps overflow, I felt a little raped, but I get $25 off my next purchase in there. Picked up some pods too while I was there, so I guess it wasn't to bad of a trip. I'm hoping I can sleep soundly tonight with out having to go adjust dials and c-clamps.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Noobzilla http:///t/393002/diy-sump-questions/20#post_3498500
Went to the fish store and picked up a Eshopps overflow, I felt a little raped, but I get $25 off my next purchase in there. Picked up some pods too while I was there, so I guess it wasn't to bad of a trip. I'm hoping I can sleep soundly tonight with out having to go adjust dials and c-clamps.