DIY Sump


Looking for any ideas for a DIY Sump. It will be my first time making one of these. It is a 90 gallon tank. How big of a sump am i going to need. Any plans for these would help and a step by step instructions on how sumps work would be very helpful.
thanks in advance for all of the help


look up the thread DIY fuge??? tons if ideas and pics.i'm currently building the 'broomer model', but i'm waiting till i get a new stand and canopy built...
hey... my brother lives in muncie and goes to BSU, and while we were there my dad and i went to one of your LFS's. not sure which one, but he gave my dad all the plumbing tips and idea's on his sump/fuge. might want to go ask you LFS owner, he was pretty helpful. just a thought


thanks for the info, problem with that is i am away from school right now and setting up a tank for the parents. I will get it figured out though. thanks guys.