DIY Tank?


Has anyone here tried to build their own tank? If so then please let me know how you did it and what you used. I want to gut a closet in my house and add a tank there. It is about 9' long and 2 1/2' deep. I am thinking about cotting the back wall out too so you can see it in the hall.


Active Member
I believe Broncofish makes acrylic tanks. Give him a buzz and see if he can help you out.

randy 12

I built this one. Do a search, I think I have told about it.

randy 12

Sorry it took a while to reply. Transmission went out on brand new car (6,000 miles) while out of town!
Anyway, I used weld-on #40. There was a previous thread about this topic. Do a search on it. I think I put more info on it. You also might do a search on polishing acrylic. I explained how to finish polishing it up and getting the excess glue off. If you can't find it, post again.


Active Member
If you want to build an acrylic I would recomend building a couple small practice tanks, just to see of you have the patience. Then if that works out for a tank that size you will need to use the weld on # 40, and as randy can tell you it is a pain. I think between Randy and myself we could help you out.



Originally posted by DvSKiN
Java, I like you DIY tank. Is the whole thing made outta wood?? (obviously not the front.) How did you finish it on the inside??? Thanks a lot man

Thanks , i used a two-part epoxy paint in made for water tanks and then i put in a pond liner to keep anything from hitting the paint and it looks better