DIY wet/dry, sump, refugium question

Few quick questions. I've seen 10 gallon, 20 gallon, etc., tanks being used as wet/dry filters. I have an extra 15 gallon, same as 10 but taller!
Would this still be good to use? Should I make my chambers taller, or just leave the top area open (as if it was a 10g)?
Also,,, what is the difference between a wet/dry, sump, and refugium?
I'm trying to figure out what way to go here! Also, who make a good (double) overflow box? Or whatever the name is of the overflow box that when your power goes out,, it can't overflow anymore. I thought I saw one online somewhere!
Also, when this thing is made,,,, What kind of pump would ya'll suggest me use to put the water back it the tank? My plans are to put a splitter on the outlet pipe and then run eack outlet to both sides of the tank.
Sorry to bother ya'll again!!! just trying to get this done today so it can dry this week!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jayking232003
Few quick questions. I've seen 10 gallon, 20 gallon, etc., tanks being used as wet/dry filters. I have an extra 15 gallon, same as 10 but taller!
Would this still be good to use? Should I make my chambers taller, or just leave the top area open (as if it was a 10g)?
Also,,, what is the difference between a wet/dry, sump, and refugium?
I'm trying to figure out what way to go here! Also, who make a good (double) overflow box? Or whatever the name is of the overflow box that when your power goes out,, it can't overflow anymore. I thought I saw one online somewhere!
Also, when this thing is made,,,, What kind of pump would ya'll suggest me use to put the water back it the tank? My plans are to put a splitter on the outlet pipe and then run eack outlet to both sides of the tank.
Sorry to bother ya'll again!!! just trying to get this done today so it can dry this week!
you could definitely use the 15 g as a sump.
a wet dry filter is when water trickles over bio balls. i dont recommend it because the bio balls can collect detritus, therefore rising nitrates. a fuge usually has a metal halide light over it and has live sand and macroalgae.
the pump you should use depends on how many gph (gallons per hour) your overflow is rated for.
i think the overflow you are talking about is a built in overflow. in order to get one of these, you need to drill the tank. they are much more reliable then siphon overflows because they depend on gravity to bring water to the sump and not a siphon
hope that helps