dKH is 6.4 ---HELP


Active Member
Ok I am thinking that is low. So what can I do to fix it?
I tested my water yesterday and here were the readings
ammonia 0
dKH 6.4
phosphates 1
trite 0
trate 20
mag 2250
calcium 600
PH 8.2
So I did a water change this morning and now I have this
ammonia 0
dKH 6.4......STILL
calcium 560
PH 8.0
What can I do to fix my PH and my alk....they are both low

Is this why my favia is receeding?


Active Member
Well another forum is telling me to buffer. I am thinking my PH is low right now because the water didn't mix for 24 hours.
Do I buffer or not?


Active Member
Well I guess no one has any input.
I went ahead and added buffer. I hated to do it but my PH seems to be dropping more.
Does anyone have any clue as to why the PH and alk would start dropping?


Active Member
Ca, Mg, PO4, and NO3 are all high.
Did you test the new water you used for the water change?
Have you recently been adding any other supplements?
Don't try to rush to fix things. More likely the rapid change in the chemistry will do more damage than stable high or low levels.


Active Member
Well it seems like your Calcium is WAY high.. After you added the buffer have you experienced any snow like parcipitate? With Calcium that high it will be hard to raise your alk, atleast that is my understanding of it.. Are you adding calcium or something? Or is that just from the salt?


Active Member
NO I do not dose anything in my tank. My calcium is high and always has been as I use Oceanic salt.
All my levels were always good (except for high calcium) until now. All of a sudden my PH is low and my dKH is low. My dKH is usually between 9.0-12 and my PH is usually right at 8.2-8.3
New water mix on the new bucket after it mixes for 24 hours mixes at
PH 8.2
calcium 500
dKH 9.0
Mag 1950 (high because calcium is high)


Active Member
Well I always looked at the calcium being high as an ok thing because I would not have to dose calcium. But apparently it will eventually make everything wacky


Ive been having the exact same problem. I added a calcium supplemt and my calcium level sky rocketed and my dKH plumeted.
I've been told that there is a direct corelation with calcium and alkalinity when one is high, the other is usually low. (which is what happened to me)
I also heard on another thread that Oceanic makes there salt to be used at a specific gravity of 1.021 so when most people mix there water at 1.023 - 1.025 they are adding that much more calcium which raises their levels.
What I need to know is how to get my dKH up from 6 without raising my calcium (at 450ppm)? Do I just add a buffer? I hear that adding buffers alone without a calcium additive is not good, and visa versa.


Originally Posted by sparky101
What I need to know is how to get my dKH up from 6 without raising my calcium (at 450ppm)? Do I just add a buffer? I hear that adding buffers alone without a calcium additive is not good, and visa versa.
When your calcium and alkalinity is at the proper ratio (NSW ~ 8.40 dKH, 420 ppm Calcium) , you'll have to add both calcium and alkalinity to maintain that ratio. If you just add one, the other will plummet.
However, in your situation, think of it as you've just dumped some calcium into your tank. Now, you have to slowly add buffer to balance the new calcium level.
It'll take a lot of buffer to lower your calcium. If you have a 55 gallon, it'll take almost 6 teaspoon of dry carbonate (ie Baking Soda) to get to 12 dKH. But, unless you change salt or lower salinity I am afraid I dont see another choices.


Hey that is totally fine. I just needed an answer. THANK YOU.
I've been adding 1.5 tsp of kent super buffer dKH ,everyday around the same, time to my 46g bow. I test the next day to see what my level is before adding more. It raises my dKH about 1 everyday. Slowly but surely.
Thanks again


Active Member
Just a question/thought. Have you ever tested you RO water? I did mine, it tested at 7.9 So I buffer the top off water. Just a thought.


Active Member
U know what I tested my top off water and it tested at 7.4

OMG My tap water PH is more balance than the RO.....YIKES