Do 6-lines eat pods?


Do 6-line wrasses eat pods. I've setup a refugium to grow pods and little critters with the hope of some day being able to keep a mandarin. I see lots of pods in the refugium (LOTS) but not many in the main tank. The only thing I can think of is the 6-line eats them. Any thoughts?


Active Member
I too want a manderin. I wish I read more about the fish I put in my tank before I put them in.
A sixline will eat pods. Alot of fish eat them. Dottybacks, cardnials, wrassys, ect...
What else do you want for fish?


I've got most of the fish I want... Of course there others I would keep if I had a larger tank, but my Flame Angel is my favourite...


Active Member
IMO sixline does eat pods. Whatching the behavior of this fish in the tank makes me think that during the entire day this fish only eats pods.


When i was down to feeding my fish only once or twice a week my 6 line was still as fat as could be. I also do not see any/many pods in the main tank but my fuge is loaded with them.
A six line wrasse will actually take small pieces of rock and other stuff and build a mound somewhere in your tank (usually behind a larger rock structure) for the sole purpose of harvesting pods. Six lines feast on pods as much as mandarines do.... better have tons of pods if ya want both of those suckers. lol


Active Member
my 6 line eats pods- but even in my 20 i still have a ton- occasionally they will snatch one off of a rock-
My six line or any one i have seen has built a pod pile- but that would be just a little too smart for a fish- but that would be a cool thought though

yosemite sam

Active Member
I had my sixline in my refugium for a bit to fatten him up before he went in the big tank, and he cleaned out the 'fuge of everything. The walls of the 'fuge were thick with pods and within a week, there were none. He also cleaned out the flatworms, which was nice.


Sorry about digging up an old thread but I figured it would be better than starting new.
I am considering getting a six line, but I just added a dsb and I want to ensure the six line doesn't destroy all the critters needed to maintain the dsb.
What else will a six line eat? I see pods, and flatworms. What about bristle worms and other worms?
What kind of prepared food can you feed them to try and keep the bellys full and stop them from eatting too many of the dsb critters?
Also, a side question, how long typically does it take for the critters in a dsb to multipy to the desired levels?


My 6 line eats the pods in my tank, that all he does all day. His belly is bigger than his body! He will also eat whatever I throw in my tank, Flake, plankton, and shrimps ect. he loves to eat!