do actinics promote algae also?


I have a lot of green algae growing on almost everything in my 2 month old 75 gallon.
I have 40 lbs base rock and 40 lbs live rock and 8 small fish.
the glass,substrate,and rock all have a layer of fine green algae.
I have 2x 56 watt t5 10,000k and 2x 56 watt t5 actinic with separate reflectors.
I have actinics coming on at 9 am,daylights at 10 am.
daylights off at 10 pm and actinics off at 11 pm.
I feed fish mainly flake food once per evening,i soak food and then put it in so it sinks into water.
what can I do to slow algae? ammonia is at lowest reading on test chart, o.1 I think.


You need to cut down on the amount of time your lights are on especially the 10k bulbs,
I only run mine for a max of 8 hours, that will help cut down on the algae growth.


Active Member
the lower the K, the better the algae grows.
you amonia should be lower also. try feeding less and get a skimmer
is your tank in the sun?
and yes, i nominate you have you lights on for less.


ok,will try those ideas.
maybe actinics 10 till noon and actinics and daylights till 8 and just actinics till 11 pm?
I have a skimmer and lots of wet green gunk comes out.
will start feeding every second day,hope that is enough.


Active Member
Actinics do not really support the growth of algae....
I have to think its more of your length of time the lights are on.
I had algae on time that wa getting to be a problem. My lfs told me that its good to put the actinic portion of say a 50/50 type bulb towards the glass, or put actinic bulb in multiple bulb fixtures to the front its spectrum does not promote algae growth. I tried it, and it seeme to have an affect on my problems at that time. I have since started to put actinics (or at least one of them) towards the front glass anymore......Have not had an algae problem in a long long time.