do all puffers inflate?


Active Member
I've got a stiped puffer, or at least that's what it was sold to me as. Here's a pic (click for bigger image):

Anyways... I added a snowflake eel to the tank the other day, and fed it for the first time last night (silversides). The SFE clearly could smell the food in the water and got very worked up. I know most eels don't have good vision, but the SFE could sense that there was something in the water near it. Thinking this object was food, the SFE lunged/bit at the object. The object turned out to be my puffer. This happened several times, and at one point, the SFE actually chased the puffer around the tank.
I was suprised that the puffer never inflated. I thought they inflated when they felt threatened? Perhaps because the SFE is so small, the puffer knew it was not in any great danger, therefor, no need to inflate?
On a side note... I know inflating is very stressful on puffers, and I'm not trying to get him to inflate. I was just surprised that it didn't inflate considering the SFE's aggression towards it. That got me wondering if all puffers inflate, or only the spiny ones. Or is my fish not acutally a puffer?


The puffer must have known that blowing up would not scare the eel away. I have a nice sized S&T Puffer. It inflates maybe once every other week. For no particular reason either. It'll be swimming around and then there's a balloon in my tank.
sry, but i dont kno the answer to ur question, looks like its already answered anyway, but just wanted to say... very nice puffer, what was the price?