Do any of you guys use stress coat???


I saw it in the store and one place I went to said it is good to put it in everytime you do a water change???
What do you think???


coat or does it only declorinate water???
I have a tap water conditioner, but now I am using RO water. I just thought about using the stress coat since I think having things in their tank like the vaccum and our hands stress them out.
What do you think????


Active Member
I use stress coat constantly. Whenever I am adding a fish to the tank I add some to the fishes bag AND to the tank itself. It's also good to use after a water change, or a change in aquascape, or a bout with ich or another disease, etc.
Basically, any time you feel your fish are stressed out it's good to use. It replenishes the slime coat of the fish which is affected by them being stressed out.


Active Member
I use stress coat constantly. Whenever I am adding a fish to the tank I add some to the fishes bag AND to the tank itself. It's also good to use after a water change, or a change in aquascape, or a bout with ich or another disease, etc.
Basically, any time you feel your fish are stressed out it's good to use. It replenishes the slime coat of the fish which is affected by them being stressed out.


Active Member
Hmm, dunno why the post doubled itself.....anyway...yeah I find it works well and I've seen no ill effects as a result of using it.


Well-Known Member
I have never used this or any other water conditioners. And I had never lost any fish because of their non use. Fresh and salt tanks since the late 70's in several US cities, using tap water.


I think I had some yet and used it for my top off water becasue I rean out of regular dechlorinator and it made my skimmer bubble like crazy. It did have a skimmer related warning on the bottle. If you use a skimmer I would check this out first. Other than that I have never used it.


Active Member
Your skimmer probably goes "nuts" because Stress Coat contains "Aloe Vera" something I'm not comfortable adding to my tank on a "regular" basis.
Other products like "Prime" will also declorinate water, detoxify ammonia and heavy metals. But also has essential ions to Stimulate "Natural" slime coat .

the claw

Active Member
RO/DI water only, never use stress coat for my marine tanks. Used to use it freshwater and liked it. I think it helped out my sensitive tetras. I agree, I think that it would really muck up a protein skimmer.


my tank is new, I thought it would be a good thing to have. I want to help make their environment as stable as possible.


It is not good if you have a protein skimmer and unnecessary if you use RODI. If you have to you can use Prime.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by saltypatti
my tank is new, I thought it would be a good thing to have. I want to help make their environment as stable as possible.

that is an excellent goal!!!!!!!!!
My experience is that stable environments do not come from additives. I find the less I do the more stable the system is.


Active Member
I used it in my FW tanks - when I was housing tetra's. I think if you use pure mix-up water (RO or RO/DI) in a clean container you would be better off than using some additive that has a non-naturally occuring substance (when was the last time you saw aleo vera in the ocean??)