i was apartment hunting today and when they asked me and my friend if we had pets we said no.. but then i thought. i wonder if they count fish as pets... anyone got any info on this.. im sure it may very from place to place. just wanted to know your opinions
Just make sure you mention that you have a fish tank, so there are no hard feelings/misunder standing.
I only ask if there are pets so I can charge a pet deposit. Also its nice to know that you'll have to have the carpets steam cleaned after the tenants leave.
most decent landlords won't care about a tank. Unless your'e talking about a 360 gal reef in an upstairs apartment.
In my experience, most landlords don't consider fish or anything that stays in an enclosed cage (like a hamster) to be a problem.
They are usually concerned with dogs, cats and anything else potentially destructive.
I think most apartments have a limit of 55gal in an upstairs apartment, if you are on the main floor or basement then usually no limit. Most do not charge a pet deposit for fish, just be sure you ask and tell them about it.
cool i didnt think it would be a problem i went to ask and my friend was like shut up,, cause we dont want a pet doposit because of a fish tank lol. and i only have a 55. so i dont think they will care
my landlady is very against any kind of pets. i asked about a fish tank and her only response was "as long as it isnt too big that it breaks through the floor".
My apt. had no problems. Then again they have a 300 gallon SW in the lobby. The maint. people like to check it out when they come to do maint. I like that.
saltyj :happy:
The one I lived in had a limit of 30 gallons, then you had to leave a pet deposit. I got a 29 gallon
Best to ask your slumlord before, or have a friend call up and act like they are interested in renting, but want a tank.
My apartment has a 15 pound limit on pets heheh. None of my fish weigh 15 pounds individually heheh. Nevermind the number of them and the two tanks weighing in at what 7 pounds a gallon or something like that = rock.
If you must take an upstairs apt., even with a 55 gallon, you may want to put it on an outside wall, they tend to be built to handle weight better than the inner walls.