Do carbon filters work or waste of $$$$?

bang guy

It's a good idea to have a bag of carbon ready to use incase of chemical contamination.
Another use is to remove the green tinge is you have a lot of caulerpa.
In either case only use the carbon for a day or two. It's useless after that point and can actually begin to release the contaminants back into the water.
Only use high quality carbon. The cheaper carbons have been knkown to leach Phosphate and that's counterproductive.


Active Member
High quality carbon like Magnum will not leach contaminents back into the aquarium. High quality carbon will not leach out phosphates. Make sure to rinse it before use. I run mine 24/7 and change it monthly. Once it is done absorbing then it acts as a biological fitler. leaving it in will have no ill effects on your tank if you use good Carbon.


would you consider emporer carbon good carbon...? thats what i i am curious


Active Member
I run magnum Carbon in my magnum 350 canister filter and it has caused no problems in the 2 years that I have run carbon 24/7.


i would consider Emperor carbon good carbon. I use the carbon in my Emperor 400 24/7 and change it every 3 weeks to a month.


Active Member
The carbon in the emperors is the same as magnum charcoal. Believe it on not but the Aquatech Charcoal from wallmart is the same stuff.


lol...ok..thanks...i was hoping i didn't buy defective carbon...thanks again


Active Member
LOL. Black diamond is the same as, magnum, emporer, and aqua-teck from wallmart. It is all made by marineland who is made by Aquaria.


does it matter how big or how many bags of carbon you put in your sump? also if i use one bad for two days straight, can i use it again a week or so later if i wrinse it out in fresh/tap water?

bang guy


Originally posted by jlem
High quality carbon will not leach out phosphates.

All Activated Carbons will leach Phosphate. The better brands leach much less.


Active Member
I guess I should have said that in the books I have read and in my opinion high quality carbon will not leach phoshates. I still have the same opinion.


Active Member
Bang guy. You are stating the opinions of yourself, and the information that gave you your opinion. not the facts. now maybe your info is right and my info is wrong, or vice versa. I have 2 reef books at home ( overseas right now so forgot the name ) that says to run carbon for 12 weeks at a time or until water turns yellow. One book even says to only change out 2/3 of your carbon because after carbon is done absorbing it becomes a great media for harboring Nitrate bacteria within it's deep pores. Are my books wrong, where the test done wrong? maybe the books are wrong, then again maybe your info is wrong, and I am not saying it is. People have been running tanks with and without carbon for years without negatives effects in both systems.

bang guy

For facts I was only referring to the leaching of Phosphate, it's the nature of the beast. The better GACs may leach levels low enough to be considered acceptable amounts.
You are correct about everything else, all opinions and as far as I know everyone is right.


Forget carbon. A bag of carbon can be used up in as little as three days depending on carbon type and tank bioload. Use a polyfilter. It shows when it is used up, changes colors based on what it is absorbing, and can be cleaned (by wringing it out) of gunk that can turn you filter pad (or bag of carbon) into a nitrate factory.
It is a must for every aquarist. I run a part of one (I cut them into thirds) for 3 days every month. They do not lose their power by being left out to dry.
If my fish or corals look a little stressed, I run it for a couple of days. It is very helpful to have if your corals, snails, or other critters foul you tank by reproducing or dying.
Protect your investment and ensure that you have polyfilters around at all times.


Active Member
Quazi. Poly filters are alot more expensive than carbon. A 64 oz jar of black diamond cost 12.00. 1 polyfilter pad cost 5.50, and 64 ounces of carbon will last alot longer than 2 polyfilter pads. I personally use both 24/7 and change them out monthly. Your statement on using them when your fish looks stressed makes me wonder if maybe you should run them more than a few days and take up better maintanance practices. Those prices were online prices to, so a LFS would charge alot more than that.

bang guy

I agree with Jlem. I don't believe they serve identical purposed. I don't think Poly can remove GLIC and I don't believe Carbon can remove heavy metals. I believe there is room for both in the hobby.
I also wonder (along with Jlem) why your fish would be stressed without poly??