OK...I have heard they jump (whatever that means) I have a squamosa on the sand...when I left for work it was tilted one way...came home today and it was tilted a different way...NOT A LOT...
Could it have turned by itself
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/post/3120571
You know how it is, get something new...everytime it does something ...you just don't know....
Totally awesome!
Originally Posted by florida joe http:///forum/post/3120576
some of the best clams i have had moved i hate it when they play dead
OMG...It never ceases to amaze me how you can make me laugh
they sure do when i got my maxima every time i look in the tank for the first week or so he was in a different position. hasn't moved in months now so i gues he found the perfect spot and flow.
Originally Posted by spunky http:///forum/post/3120602
they sure do when i got my maxima every time i look in the tank for the first week or so he was in a different position. hasn't moved in months now so i gues he found the perfect spot and flow.
YAYYYY...thank for the info....
Meowzer, you act like you don't believe me when I said my maxima jumped. He was rooted down hard on the rock under my plating coral and jumped to the sand bed -- not like my tangs picked him up and carried him
Originally Posted by jackri http:///forum/post/3120653
Meowzer, you act like you don't believe me when I said my maxima jumped. He was rooted down hard on the rock under my plating coral and jumped to the sand bed -- not like my tangs picked him up and carried him
HEYYYY...the very first thing I said was
I have heard they jump
This was just moved a little bit....I figured if it had jumped it would have gotten further
I have never seen one jump ( im not saying they dont jump) but i have seen them scoot. they close there shell real fast and it causes them to move. My clam tryed to move himself while he was still in the bag a poked a hole in it.
Well obviously they don't have legs or anything but he released his hold and they contract and "water jettison" a little bit and that can be enough to make them "jump" off any rocks.
Sorry they don't physically jump then lol