do cleaner shrimp shed their skin...


just saw what I thought was my dead cleaner shrimp and pulled him out of the water....but now I see him still in there... Is this his old skin that he shed??


this is really funny but the same thing just happened to me... before i saw what i thought was one of my hermits dead... then i saw both of them and i was odly confused... and rite now i just saw my shrimps old shell.... thats so cool!... btw what happend to the old shell if i just let it stay in the tank? any negative affects?


Active Member
It haunts the tank as the ghost of Crabsmas Past........
Nothing, the molt will disolve or break down in a few days. Some people remove them. Others dont bother. Wont hurt or help either way. Its preference


Active Member
I dont remove mine unless im spot feeding the coral or something and i see it there ill take it back, but i normally never take them out


Yeah that is normal for the shrimp to molt.That's how they grow! It would be abnormal if they didn't- that would mean there wasn't enough calcium in the tank!


i had 2 cleaners both molted within days of purchase and both dead within days after the molt
I think they are very cool and hate that they died, but am alittle concerned about spending the $$$$ on new ones. Good luck.


New Member
I had one of my corals eat the molt. I guess the current carried it into its sweeper tentacles and it wrapped itself around it and ate it.


ouch... but i guess its good then cuz my carbs molted before too.... and they are still doing just fine... and now my shrimp... nice!


Active Member
My pompom crab molted and I couldnt tell if it died or if it was the molt. The skeleton was so colorful just like the crab, the only thing missing was his poms. :cheer:
Then a week later when he made his monthly appearance (if you have a pompom you know what I mean) I was releived to know he was alive.
:cheer: :cheer: