Do cleaner shrimps shed their shells??


I had a heart failure this morning as I was doing my normal early morning checks before going off to work. I check the intakes on my filters to make sure they aren't blocked and to my horror I saw what looked like one of my cleaner shrimps stuck to the filter basket. I frantically looked around the tank and was releived to see both of the little chaps merrily doing their thing. So do these guys really shed the full shell tenticles etc ? Has anyone else had the same thing happen to them? How often does this happen ? Any comments or advice would be appreciated. :D


Yes, shrimps do shed thier shells. It's called molting, as the shrimp (crabs, snakes, and lizzards do the same thing) grows it sheds the outside layer of skin. At this time, it will also regrow any arms, legs, and tenticales that it has lost. It's a really cool process.


On the topic of molting...
Should the discarded layer be removed from the tank? Will it eventually decay and polute the tank needlessly? Or will it remain forever more like an empty snail shell? Also, how long will a sally-light foot live with no arms or legs (damsel got 'em)?
You should remove the old shell since inverts will munch on it, shred it into pieces and the uneaten parts will spread all over causing your tank to look like a watse dump.
You should remove the old shell since inverts will munch on it, shred it into pieces and the uneaten parts will spread all over causing your tank to look like a waste dump.


I have just been looking for the old shell but it has gone completely... Guess it must have been munched already... :p


it's better to remove them, but i don't think it poses much of a risk as far as fouling your water. i've never pulled mine out. i kinda like it. looks like a shrimp/crab grave yard! maybe i'm just a little throwed off though.....