do clownfish sleep motionless?


Active Member
do clownfish sleep motionless sometimes?? the reason i am asking is because i already had one pass away the other night, and now the remaining one was sitting in the spot where i scooped the dead one from - sitting in the green hair algae on the sand bed..
and people say clownfish are hardy! BA-HUMBUG!


Active Member
They do a lot of wiggling... but if they can wedge themselves into a anemone they may become motionless while sleeping.
Clowns are hardy.. maybe something is wrong with your tank, do you keep other fish successfully? If so which? .. maybe try tank raised clowns?
Let us know if he makes it.


Active Member
it looked dead to me, until i went to scoop it.. then it moved...
then after a good 15 minutes, it was still again, so i was gonna poke it and when i got close, it moved again...
should i just poke it once every hour to keep it moving? lol


Active Member
my other fish are supposed to be in an established tank (found that out after the fact)...
i have a cleaner wrasse and a scooter blenny... both are doing great!
tank is 5 weeks old.. finished cycle after a week and a half.. havent had an increase in any levels since..
all levels are a big fat 0! (no2, no3, nh)


My female likes to sleep in different areas of the tank. When she is in the little sand bed she makes she sleeps as still as a rock on her side. When she is on the side of the LR she sleeps nose up like an funny.

Yours just might be sleeping.


Active Member
Well.. sorry to tell ya.. but the cleaner wrasse is probably going to end up dying too.. they can sometimes be fed normal fish foods.. but they dont usually take it. They need to clean parasites off fish constantly to eat.. and its really not 'good' for the environment to even buy these fish.. they should stay in the ocean... but thats just a rant.
The scooter blenny or scooter dragonette as it should be called will probably end up running out of food in your un-established tank and it will probably starve to death.
I hope im wrong on both accounts though :(
As far as your fish.. leave it be.. poking at it will not cure a disease and could actually stress it making the fish in a even worse situation. Just see what happens to it by the morning.. its out of your hands at this point.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cain420
my other fish are supposed to be in an established tank (found that out after the fact)...
i have a cleaner wrasse and a scooter blenny... both are doing great!
tank is 5 weeks old.. finished cycle after a week and a half.. havent had an increase in any levels since..
all levels are a big fat 0! (no2, no3, nh)
Whats the ph and salinity of the tank? Whats the day time and night time temperature ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
Well.. sorry to tell ya.. but the cleaner wrasse is probably going to end up dying too.. they can sometimes be fed normal fish foods.. but they dont usually take it. They need to clean parasites off fish constantly to eat.. and its really not 'good' for the environment to even buy these fish.. they should stay in the ocean... but thats just a rant.
The scooter blenny or scooter dragonette as it should be called will probably end up running out of food in your un-established tank and it will probably starve to death.
I hope im wrong on both accounts though :(
As far as your fish.. leave it be.. poking at it will not cure a disease and could actually stress it making the fish in a even worse situation. Just see what happens to it by the morning.. its out of your hands at this point.
well, the cleaner wrasse chows on the frozen cyclopeeze, as well as flake food.. and i mean chows!
there are so many pods in the tank, they are all over the glass.. came with the lr along with bristle worms, some weird worm with tentacles, and lots of tiny white brittle stars...


Active Member
Thats good that tis eating cyclop-eeze.. I hope for the best for you - honestly.
What size tank do you have and do you keep a refugium? How many lbs of live rock? We're going to dig deeper here!


Active Member
its a 75 gallon with 72lbs lr, 28lbs sand, 40lbs ls, 2 maxi-jet1200's, a 20 gallon sump with a ca-1800 for return... gonna pipe in a fuge as soon as the bulkheads arrive (connecting a separate 15 gallon onto the sump)... i really hope i dont lose anymore fish as it is VERY discouraging!..


Active Member
Originally Posted by cain420
is it odd that the wrasse eats this stuff??
No its not odd. Its rare but i've heard of them eating flakes and such before... even though they were eating flakes though they still died =c( You already have it now.. and giving it back to a LFS wont keep it alive any longer because it'll just go to someone elses tank.. at least you have it eating... like I said I wish you the best of luck with it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cain420
its a 75 gallon with 72lbs lr, 28lbs sand, 40lbs ls, 2 maxi-jet1200's, a 20 gallon sump with a ca-1800 for return... gonna pipe in a fuge as soon as the bulkheads arrive (connecting a separate 15 gallon onto the sump)... i really hope i dont lose anymore fish as it is VERY discouraging!..
It is very very discouraging I agree.. but 99% of people owning a saltwater tank goes through fish losses.. and when a tank is first being setup thats when most of the losses usually occur! Everybody is so quick to pour fish into their tanks.. its really important to set up a quarentine tank and do things right from the get-go. Dont add fish so quickly back to back either.. keep it as a rule to only add fish like 2-4 weeks apart. You'll notice that this increases your success rate with fish by quite a bit. Also research heavily on all fish before you buy them.. dont run into the store and buy whats cool and expect a fish store guy to tell you all the info on something.. 99% of the time they leave out important little facts and 79% of the time they lie to get the fish out of the store.
Ok nextly.. that amount of lr/ls is pretty sweet. That *should* do the scooter nicely.. I just hope that the pods have had ample time to do their thang... personally i've seen these things starve in larger tanks with more lr/ls than you've listed.. but again I hope nothing but the best for you.. (get a refugium set up!).


Active Member
Originally Posted by cain420
oh yea and i have the 55-100gallon clean up crew from includes lots of things..
Doesnt that include a coral banded? Give that thing to someone :p


Active Member
So many reasons.. they are a pretty nasty shrimp. I'll let someone else take over from here though.. just trust me or ask some other people of their personal experiences with them. I gotta go to bed or i'd give you the skinny!
Good luck with everything! Keep us informed!


I had a coral banded skrimp I received with a 30-55 gallon reef package from this site and it munched on my first clown fish. In the process of getting rid of the skrimp it also died. Some people I have talked with say that the clown died first then the skrimp started munching, but after I removed the dead clown the skrimp was acting aggressively towards my two firefly golbies.