do clownfish sleep motionless?


Active Member
Cleaner wrasse on a whole do not do very well at all. Even the LFS will not carry them, due to their food requirements which are in general not duplicatable in the home tank, unless you got fish covered in parasites, however ***** carries em by the bucket fulls.
I think its a clowns hard wired activity to stay in perpetual motion even when sleeping. All of our clowns continually bob up and down or wiggle. Even the newest skunk clown who does not have an anenome, bobs up and down enough at night he wallows himself a depression in the sand bed.


Active Member
well, the clown is still alive, and after trying to scoop it up when i thought it was dead, it was moving around when sleeping up to the point when i went to bed..
the coral banded shrimp didnt try to eat the other clown.. even after it died.. i have had a few hermits that were dead, and wonder if it was the shrimp, or another hermit.. probably another hermit, but they just left the body to lay there and the coral didnt even touch that.. guess it has too much to scavenge in my tank still...however i did witness a bristleworm snatching up a hermit carcus and pulling it into his hole.. around a 6" worm, with all lights on..


Active Member
ok, well, i guess it is possible that the clownfish has a parasite! I just witnessed the cleaner wrasse check out one side of it, then pick at it.. then switched to the other side and took a nibble.. the clownfish even sat really still on the bottom for it.. then swam away from the bottom afterwards.. I sure hope the wrasse gets things under control..


Oh yea, neither one of the clown fish I had and have ever stopped moving, except for the one that died. What i mean is I have not noticed my clown fish not moving in one way or another.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cain420
do clownfish sleep motionless sometimes?? the reason i am asking is because i already had one pass away the other night, and now the remaining one was sitting in the spot where i scooped the dead one from - sitting in the green hair algae on the sand bed..
and people say clownfish are hardy! BA-HUMBUG!
My clowns sleep in their LTA and move a little from time to time. When their LTA died, the were constantly moving, while sleeping.


New Member
I personally think you kind of rushed putting those fish in. 5 weeks really isn't all that long for a 75 to become nice and established. IMHO you should probably just now be starting to put a couple really hardy damsels in there, like the yellow damsel, the yellow tail damsel, or the bahhumbug damsel.
The clown sounds like it will probably die, unfortunately. Hope I'm wrong.


Active Member
well, it may have been a little too early.. But it seems as though they were sick. The second one died a few days ago, but the scooter blenny and the cleaner wrasse are doing great (hope they continue to do good).. Cycled in a week and a half and waited a few days (about 4 days) to make sure it wasnt going to cycle again. However, maybe it was just too early for them. I added the other 2 (wrasse and blenny) 2 weeks after the clowns and they are doing good. Seems like I have tons of pods for the blenny - he/she has been chowing down and they are still all over the glass a few weeks later.. But I do feel as though it was a mistake to add the clowns and that may have caused them to get sick! Live and learn! and trust me, I have learned! When I go to the lfs now, I look at the fish and picture them in my tank (dead)!!! Sure makes me slow down! The wrasse ate so much cyclopeeze that you could see the red in his belly! LOL. he chows on flake food too!
As for damsels... not many people want such an aggressive fish in their tank and I am one of those people. I heard clowns are hardy... Hardy-har-har! They are not.. At least I can post the story and maybe help some other people learn and not make the same mistake.
I plan to keep my tank with the cleaner wrasse, scooter blenny, and clean up crew for at least a month before adding more live stock! Lesson learned! I feel bad for the clownfish, but naming them may have been a factor! The wrasse and blenny dont have names, and are still very much alive, active, and great eaters.