Do Conch's grow with their shell? Or do i need to buy bigger shells?


Active Member
I have a sand sifting conch and was not sure if I needed to buy bigger shells.


I know this is off topic, but are some Conch's known to be predators? Mine is in a 10g and buries himself in the sand till lights out.


Thats exactly what i've been witnessing!! Infact it's happening right now!
This is the second $4 turbo it's eaten. Im takeing him back to the LFS TODAY! I guess I should have researched them first. On the Bright side, one of my hermits promptly put the first victimes shell to good use lol. Looks like I'll have two spare shells layen around for the other 4 hermits to fight over lol.

salty cheese

Active Member
Originally Posted by pbienkiewi
I use to catch my conch wrapped around my turbo snails. He was sucking them out to eat them.
Yours and Nano Nut's sound like they are horse conchs which are carnivorous and not snail friendly.


Ive had 3 large conch snails for a long time and they never bother my snails. They sift sand all day and keep the sand nice and white.