do corals effect bioload?


Active Member
i have a 30g tank with about 75lbs of lr....i have been told that i should only have two or three fish in my tank...but no one has said to limit the amounts of corals not have as drastic an effect on the bioload of a tank as a fish does?


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
i have a 30g tank with about 75lbs of lr....i have been told that i should only have two or three fish in my tank...but no one has said to limit the amounts of corals not have as drastic an effect on the bioload of a tank as a fish does?
did ya have to write and ask it in another way? lol
Corals don't do to much in the way of bio load, they usually help out the tank by filtering out alot of the unwanted......


Active Member
accually corals can and do effect your bioload they feed and expell like other living organizms some corals are also concider aggresive and if placed too closly to another coral inches even they will release toxins into the water to eliminate the other.this is one major reasongood filteration and good water flow are so important in reef smaller systems the use of carbon filters is very impotant to use to help nutralize the excess waste and toxins produced not only by fish but corals and anenomes as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
accually corals can and do effect your bioload they feed and expell like other living organizms some corals are also concider aggresive and if placed too closly to another coral inches even they will release toxins into the water to eliminate the other.this is one major reasongood filteration and good water flow are so important in reef smaller systems the use of carbon filters is very impotant to use to help nutralize the excess waste and toxins produced not only by fish but corals and anenomes as well.
Yes they do contribute a little bioload.... but not that much...... they are alot less than fish... and alot less noticable..... Anemonies are not that fun to have go wrong from what I hear about them!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerth6932
Yes they do contribute a little bioload.... but not that much...... they are alot less than fish... and alot less noticable..... Anemonies are not that fun to have go wrong from what I hear about them!

watch a 15 inch carpet take a crap and then tell me they dont add to the bio load lol. our can almost cloud the tank hahaha. but with that said in general i think you can add all you want. paying more attention to WHAT you add and WHERE you add it is mroe important then how many you add.


Active Member
yeah, i agree with the above. They dont ahve that much of an affect if they are placed properly. and if you have any that you feed, that will obviously affect the bioload.

nm reef

Active Member
I don't believe corals add near as much to the bio-load as fish do. I have seen countless systems with 100's of thriving corals but very few systems with 10 or more thriving fish.


hmm im getting to place coral all around my tank... i dont kno what should go next to eachother and what to keep across the other side of the tank hehe.....ima have a few SPS and rest LPS.... im not going to get shrooms or zoo's because i dont want them to raid my tank and kill everything


Bio load so insignifigant that it isn't even brought up as a stocking issue. You are more apt to add more waste to the tank feeding the coral than the coral could ever expell as waste products.
Add as much as you want. Placement to avoid chemical warfare is more important.
And PS... anemones are not coral