Do corals shed?


I've been having some water difficulties that i am now fixing with RO water, but my gorgonian was looking really bad...Then it started peeling, now it looks better than the day i bought it... is this normal or is it just struggling with my poor water quality... i think it'll be ok now that i'm using better water.


Active Member
Yes, all Gorgonians will shed a waxy tissue when algae starts growing on the surface of the gorgonian. It's perfectly normal for this to happen. Be aware that gorgonians do need strong currents, esspecially for those non photosynthic (no zooxanthellae) species. The strong currents help push the waxy coating off the gorgonian so it doesn't suffocate in its own tissue.
Just out of curiousity, do you know what species of gorgonian we are talking about? If not, do you have a picuture of it?
Take Care,

nm reef

Active Member
I agree....I've seen several gorgonians shed. Some as a response to stress and others to remove algaes. The one I keep shed shortly after I added it but hasn't really done it since.:cool:


thanks all, i feel better.
I'm not sure what type it is... i know it's very branchy and is a bright purple. I bought it for 20 bucks.
thanks again


Active Member

Originally posted by mvogel2
I'm not sure what type it is... i know it's very branchy and is a bright purple. I bought it for 20 bucks.

Purple Sea Whip? What color are the polyps?


Active Member
if the polyps are brown the gorg is photosynthetic...if they are any other color they are not and need to be fed very heavily!
good luck

nm reef

Active Member
It should also be noted that non-photosynthic types will need feedings of the proper particle size. I've heard of people use products like DT's or other phyto plankton like products to direct feed non-photosynthic gorgonians. Most larger particle meaty type foods don't seem to appeal to them. At least thats my understanding.:cool:
There are a few members here that have kept the non-photosynthic types...maybe they can provide additional info on what they feed.