Do fish feel pain?


Just found this article, if anyone is interested.
THE RESEARCH FOUND that fish have receptors in their heads and that subjecting them to noxious substances causes “adverse behavioural and physiological changes.”
“This fulfils the criteria for animal pain,” said Dr. Lynne Sneddon who headed the research, published on Wednesday by the Royal Society, Britain’s national academy of science.
Bee venom or acetic acid was injected into the lips of some of the trout, while control groups of fish were injected with saline solution or merely handled.
The trout injected with venom or acid began to show “rocking” motion — similar to that seen in stressed higher vertebrates — and those injected with acetic acid began rubbing their lips in the gravel of their tank.
“These do not appear to be reflex responses,” Sneddon said.
The affected fish also took three times longer to resume feeding activity compared to those in the control groups.
The team from the Roslin Institute and the University of Edinburgh found the fish had polymodal nociceptors — receptors that respond to tissue-damaging stimuli — on their heads.
It is the first time these receptors have been found in fish. They have similar properties to those found in amphibians, birds and mammals including humans.
Animal activists said the findings showed that fishing was cruel.
‘Until we have proper, bona fide evidence, we will never know. It’s supposition.’
Gone Fishing “We would encourage anglers to lay down their rods. It’s ridiculous that in 2003 we are still talking about whether fish feel pain — of course they do,” Dawn Carr of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) told Sky News.
But anglers vowed to keep on enjoying their sport.
“Until we have proper, bona fide evidence, we will never know. It’s supposition,” said Charles Jardine, director of pro-angling group Gone Fishing.
“I don’t think the millions of anglers throughout the whole of the world would see themselves as cruel individuals.”


You might want to copy your thread into the "boy am I stupid" thread that centers around this topic.
There has been some interesting debate on this topic, and the smackdown of a 13 year old girl. Its quite a thread.


And in fact I happen to be that 13 year old girl:D
I really like this thread:D
My dad is a fisherman and said he heard this news today, that fish do feel pain, and I'm so glad you posted this.
BTW, I don't mean to get off the subject, but, for those of you who thought I was being disrespectful on the other thread, I guess I kinda was, but there was no nice way to put what needed to be said on that thread, and I'm sorry:(


I appreciate your apology. I wasn't even offended by what you said, but you have to remember that the way you conduct yourself when stating your position determines how much validity people give what you say.
The calmer, well thought out response will get you much farther in almost every situation in life.
You have plenty of time to figure that out, though!