Do fish fins grow back?


New Member
I have a maroon stripe clownfish and looks like it's tail fin got nipped on a few times by my valentini puffer (since traded in). Stupid question but do these grow back?


Active Member
typically fish fins can grow back, his age will determine how quickly and completely it will grow back, if he is a young one, they will grow back pretty quickly, otherwise it may take a while.


Originally Posted by carshark
typically fish fins can grow back, his age will determine how quickly and completely it will grow back, if he is a young one, they will grow back pretty quickly, otherwise it may take a while.

I agree, I had two firefish that got in one heck of a fight. One lost its dorsal fin. After seperating them in different tanks, and a long healing time, it grew back completely. Then I consolidated my tanks, and gave away this strong willed fish to a buddy who put it in with a puffer. One word, gulp.


Active Member
yes it will grow back, make sure you are giving it food(fish flakes with all the vitamins in them). And maybe some stress coat with aloa vera in it


Active Member
Young maroon clowns seem to heal up very quickly. I introduce two to my 75g tank week ago today. They had about a half hour tussle to determine who was boss of the tank. The loser had some minor fin splits and a nip out of its tail. This Sunday just a week later you would never know he had been in the fight.
The two maroons are actually quite friendly with one another now.