Do fish sleep upside down??!!!


Active Member
Last night I was looking at my tank with a flashlight and my purple pseudo was wedged in a crevice of a rock sleeping upside down. Today he is acting perfectly normal. What's up with that?


Active Member
my blue hippo sleeps upside down, backwards, flat, slanted, however he can wedge himself in the rocks lol.


My clown sleeps upside down, while paddling right under the surface.
My blue hippo sleeps whatever which way. I've found it wedged between the opening made by the suction cups of the PH and the glass. Also, I've found my hippo sleeping while being sucked to the strainer of the intake.


Active Member
i dont think my fish sleep ............ my clown will ussually sleep in his bubble tip, but i never catch them sleeping


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I have a clown that sleeps wedged behind a powerhead, head down. Freaked the hell out of me first time I saw him. Thought my $60 onyx clown died. Moved the powerhead and he swam right out, and then back in a few minutes later!


Active Member
whew, thanks guys, I love that fish and I thought something was REALLY wrong. I feel much better now.